If you were a conspiracist, to whom would you attribute the Plague?
[26] Mary refers here to the Plague that affected England in 1665, from June until November, peaking in September when in London 12,000 people died in one week. Before the plague, London had a population of around 500,000 and after – about 400,000.
This was the last major outbreak of the Black Death that ravished through Europe since 1347 and surged back in waves every ten years or so.
At the time of the Plague Gulliver was four years old.
As the Corona Crisis is still being manipulated by politicians worldwide in the effort to gain dictatorship, one must lament the short memory or lack of knowledge of history in today's generation, that gullibly abides by the contradictory rules which our 'leaders' bestow on us, while they, themselves, ignore them.