The very first appearance of Mrs. Gulliver in NL!

I'm so excited to invite you to join me, to the very first appearance of Mrs. Gulliver, in Person, in NL!
The happy event will take place on Sunday, April 2nd.
It will start when she leaves Amsterdam by train to Groningen, gracing the NS trains with her graceful presence --
Then she will march from Groningen Central Station all the way to Mennohuis, Oude Boteringestraat 33, Groningen --
Where she will deliver a remarkable discourse on the crucial question: "Did the Lilliputians Really Speak Hebrew?!" --
With shocking revelations.
And the best part of it -
If you can't make it to Groningen, for some bizarre reason - you will be able to enjoy the performance via FaceBook Live Broadcast.
So, come along, or stay tuned!