A Labour of Logic
When writing 'Go, Gulliver!' I encounter a whole new challenge. No longer reading Swifts' travel to Lilliput and flying on the wings of my imagination, no longer exploring past, similar works and laughing aloud while incorporating them into my 'Oh, Gulliver!' No. In 'Go, Gulliver!' I'm taking poor Mary on an adventure that turns my stomach, too: she decides to save her husband from the giants of Brobdingnag, she dresses up as a man, joins a ship that is heading in that direction, and... Well, I still don't know.
Me and Mary have just managed to get a spot on the Gloria Maria and just getting her there was a feat of historic research and twists of the imagination, that must rely on logic. My mind is all over the place. As hard as it is, with every bit of story I manage to write, which is securely grounded in a thorough - great fun! - research, I feel relieved and content.
On we go!
Mary Gulliver, here I come!
